Desert Invasion - U.S.

How to print pages from this website

You may find that pages on this website are too wide to print on one page. Here are several techniques that you may use to print these pages.

1. Select text from a specific web page and copy and paste it into a word processor document. Then print from your word processor.

2. Set the page size to landscape.

Internet Explorer Users: Select File located in the top left corner of your browser. Then select Page Setup and change the orientation to landscape.

Netscape Navigator Users: Select File located in the top left corner of your browser. Then click Page Setup and change the orientation to landscape.

3. Choose shrink page to fit or fit to page in your browser's print options.

Internet Explorer Users: Select File located in the top left corner of your browser. Then select Print Preview and select Shrink Pages to Fit. (This option is not available on IE 6 or higher.)

Netscape Navigator Users: Select File located in the top left corner of your browser. Then select Page Setup, select Format & Options tab and select shrink to fit to page width. (Netscape 7.)


Website copyright 1995-2004 Fred Elbel. This material may be freely used and distributed only for non-commercial purposes, with credit given. Trademarks and copyrighted items remain the property of the owner.