More trash left behind by illegal aliens at this layup point. Shrubs offer shelter from the mid-day sun.
Desert trash amidst desert beauty.
A well-worn trail leads to this layup point from the south.
The trail continues across the road to this layup point.
Cleaning up the trash is a nearly impossible task.
Reports from individuals in the Border Patrol say that 8,000 - 12,000 illegal aliens enter the Tucson sector every 12 hours (May, 2004).
Mexican coins found at layup area.
Back to set 1 - pictures of the Three Points area Next - set 3 - pictures of Other Than Mexican (OTM) material found near Three points\ Set 4 - layup areas and rape tree between Three Points and Sasabe Also see the border town of Sasabe, 45 miles south of Three Points.
Photos 2004 Fred Elbel